Monday, May 18, 2015

Energy-Efficient Appliances: Dry Your Clothes While Saving Energy

Appliances that are Energy Star-certified earns it by meeting the energy efficiency requirements established by the EPA. Some of the criteria include: contribution of significant energy savings, must deliver in performance and features, and the consumer should recover their investment through utility bill savings. The EPA can decide to revise its specifications based on a number of factors such as technological advances, a change in efficiency standards, and quality issues. The changes in specifications is necessary to ensure that companies continue to produce and deliver energy-efficient appliances to consumers. Everyone would like their home to be energy-efficient. Homeowners looking to switch their current dryer for an energy-efficient one should look at a trusted appliance store such as Heber Park City Appliance that has the Energy-Star certified dryers from the different companies mentioned above—and make that eco-friendly change.

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